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Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Ultimate Extreme 2014 4-Week Quick Weight Loss Diet Program For Men And Women by Pati Patel | 2940148300113 | NOOK Book (eBook) | Barnes & Noble

The Ultimate Extreme 2014 4-Week Quick Weight Loss Diet Program For Men And Women by Pati Patel | 2940148300113 | NOOK Book (eBook) | Barnes & Noble


The Ultimate Extreme 2014 4-Week Quick Weight Loss
Diet Program For Men And Women (A Revised edition of The Ultimate
Extreme 2014 Quick Weight Loss Diet Program With The Delicious Cooking
For One Weight Loss Recipes Cookbook) is available on your Nook or you
can download it to your computer right now with Barnes and Noble's FREE
Nook application for PC.

Do you want to lose up to 30 pounds in 4 short weeks? If so, read on!
Pati Patel, the author of the amazingly delicious DASH Diet Complete
Cookbook & Diet Program Basics, along with other delightful DASH
Diet cookbooks is introducing to you the brand new 2014 The Ultimate
Extreme 2014 4-Week Quick Weight Loss Diet Program For Men And Women, a
revised edition of The Ultimate Extreme 2014 Quick Weight Loss Diet
Program With The Delicious Cooking For One Weight Loss Recipes Cookbook.

Wow! Are you ready for this? A complete dynamic weight loss program that
is designed to take off the pounds quickly in four short weeks. This
weight loss program is planned in exact detail for you with each and
every weight loss food that has ever been tested and tried for quick
weight loss. These weight loss foods are absolutely guaranteed to take
off the weight! This is a weight loss experience you don’t want to miss!
Don’t put off your weight loss program another minute. Start right here
and right now with this amazing quick weight loss program designed and
presented to you by Pati Patel, the DASH Diet expert author of the DASH
Diet Programs and Cookbooks. You can find and explore all of Pati
Patel’s DASH Diet Complete Programs and Cookbooks, as they are listed in
the beginning of all Pati’s exciting DASH Diet books and Weight Loss
books or search online for them.

What’s new is this 2014 edition?

New! A new revised diet plan for both men and women with easy links to the foods sections and recipes.

New! A special delicious snack section for each meal with easy links to the tasty snacks section.

New! A maintenance plan for a life of healthy living and weight loss.

New! The addition of ice cream twice daily has been added to the daily menu planning.

New! Pati Patel’s Awesome study on the incredible edible herbs for
culinary delights, weight loss, cleansing, sleep and rest, beauty, love
potions and charms, and herbs for your overall health have been added to
this new edition. You won’t want to miss this study on these beautiful
herbs. The herbs have easy links in the table of contents for your

Herbs are simply amazing! They have existed since ancient times of old,
and were used in the healing arts way before doctors started writing
prescriptions. A lot of our modern day medicines are made up of herbs.
In this book you can explore the wonderful world of the exotic ancient
herbs of love and passion that are easily available for us today and
bring them into your life for joy and love. While you are losing weight,
you can enjoy the intense aroma “pleasant to the senses” herbs for a
feeling of well-being such as lavender, jasmine, mandrake, and more. You
will discover the culinary herbs and learn how to use them in your
weight loss recipes so that each bite can be a little bit of Heaven. Are
you having trouble sleeping? Check out the herb recipe for sleep in the
herb sections of this book, and after you give them a try, you could be
sleeping like a baby. Using the herbs from the herb chapter for weight
loss and cleansing will soon have the fat moving right on out of your
body. Be sure to check out the sections on these amazing herbs and see
exactly what they are used for, and how they can enrich your life today.

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