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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

100 Calorie Diet and Food Counter Review

The 100 Calorie Diet and Food Counter is available on Kindle or you can download it to your computer with Amazon's FREE Kindle application for PC.

The 100 Calorie Diet Food Counter helps you to finally stop dieting and start losing weight The 100 Calorie Way! The 100 Calorie Diet and Food Counter introduces a totally new concept of actually solving your weight problem once and for all. Dieters are sick and tired of the same old diet routine; where breads, sweets and fats are a definite no-no. The most wonderful thing about The 100 Calorie Diet is you can eat anything you want and still lose weight! The 100 Calorie Diet is presented in an easy to understand manner. The reader is given My Daily Food Plan and My Daily Food Journal as tools to plan and track meals.

Look for our other 100 Calorie and Zero Calorie Books:

The 100 Calorie Casserole Cookbook

The 100 Calorie Cookie Cookbook

The 100 Calorie Pizza Cookbook

The 100 Calorie Sandwich Cookbook

The 100 Calorie Slow Cooker Cookbook

One Hundred 100 Calorie Meals

The Zero Calorie Cookbook

The Zero Calorie Party Appetizer Cookbook

The 10 Minute Body Shaping Miracle

The 100 Calorie Diet and Food Counter is available on Kindle or you can download it to your computer with Amazon's FREE Kindle application for PC.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Diabetes is a Killer

Diabetes Is A Killer is available on Kindle or you can download it to your computer with Amazon's FREE Kindle application for PC.

Diabetes Is A Killer was written by a loving wife in memory of her husband who fought a brave battle every day against diabetes. You will learn all about living with diabetes; its causes and treatment. 

Diabetes ravages your body and can even kill! Diabetes might damage your body before you even know you have this chronic disease. Education is key. Learn all about the symptoms and see if YOU or someone you love have risk factors that lead to diabetes. Diabetes Is A Killer is a must read for pre-diabetics and diagnosed diabetics.

Diabetes Is A Killer is an insider’s look at living with diabetes. All your questions will be answered. What exactly is diabetes? When do I see your doctor? Will I have to give myself shots? What do I eat if I’m diagnosed? Are there alternative treatments? How do I cope? Can I still live a full life? Diabetes Is A Killer will help your take charge of your health starting today!